“Become the Creator of Your Own Health”

By understanding and addressing issues that patients with Cancer see as important, compassionate care can be tailored to each patient, and oncology will reach the noble goal of treating each patient as a person with cancer, rather than treating only the cancer in a patient.

Managing Drivers of Cancer

Carcinogenesis is a dynamically complex process driven by dysregulated metabolism which is as central to Cancer formation. Metabolic coupling between tumour cells and stromal cells occurs if the tumour microenvironment is like a unhealed, inflamed wound with inherent proliferative and invasive components. There are lifestyle, nutrient and botanical strategies that can lessen the metabolic drivers of cancer.

Daniel provides a personalised platform for Integrative Cancer Approach with abundance of wealth in the form of clinical expertise and experience, helping to reduce those metabolic drivers. Understanding to components of the tumour microenvironment that influences carcinogenesis and tumourigenesis.

Two questions you need to know about cancer?

What is causing Cancer and What is stopping you to heal?

  • Unresolved inflammation: underlying infections, virus, bacteria  
  • Oxidative stress: internal toxins and environmental pollutants
  • Metabolic syndrome: insulin resistance, weight gain
  • Cell metabolism: mitochondrial, cell and tissue integrity
  • Role of certain foods and nutrients  
  • Importance of specific exercise tailored for you
  • Stress: the impact of your diagnose and relationship with your thoughts, feelings and emotions
  • Finding a new way how to relate to your healing journey
  • Strengthening immune system
  • Helping to offset side effects of chemo and radiation therapy
  • Enhance efficacy of chemotherapy, radiation or hormonal therapy
About Daniel

Through educating and coaching patients, Daniel’s goal is to find ways to make health fit into their lives and works with them collaboratively to set goals and establish treatment plans according to their body’s needs. He takes a very individual approach to patients’ health problems, helping them to regain balance, establish healthy eating habits and make positive lifestyle choices to promote wellness in all dimensions of their lives.  He is committed to continually motivating clients until they have successfully integrated such plans into their daily lives and are fully satisfied with the results.  

Start your healing journey !

Integrative Oncology


Integrative oncology provides patients with safe options for combining conventional Cancer treatment with natural and supportive therapies. The goal of this collaboration among multi-disciplinary health care providers is to best support optimal health and well-being: physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Integrative oncology, the diagnosis-specific field of integrative medicine, addresses symptom control with nonpharmacologic therapies. Known commonly as “complementary therapies” these are evidence-based adjuncts to mainstream care that effectively control physical and emotional symptoms, enhance physical and emotional strength, and provide patients with skills enabling them to help themselves throughout and following mainstream Cancer treatment.

Within this model of integrative oncology, all providers work together to improve quality of life. Patients benefit from a coordinated approach to care as Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) collaborate with conventional providers at all stages:

  • At the time of Cancer diagnosis: to prepare the patient physiologically and mentally for what lies ahead.
  • During active Cancer treatment: to reduce side effects and potentially improve response to conventional care.
  • Cancer Post-treatment: to help with recovery and support prevention of recurrence with healthy lifestyle education.

Medical oncologists, surgeons and radiation oncologists focus their conventional, standard of care treatment on targeting tumour eradication.

Daniel combines complementary therapies with mainstream Cancer care to address his patients’ physical, psychologic and spiritual needs by practicing integrative Cancer Care using natural and supportive therapies to reduce side effects, to help optimize conventional care, prevent recurrence and educating how to implement an evidence based life-style medicine into patients life. He believes that it is very important to involve his clients in their healing journey, teaching them life-style medicine skills where they can become the creator of their on health. 


Help to improve quality of life, restore hope, bring inner peace, emotional resilience, manage of side effects, help with speed recovery, prevent recurrence, and provide education for a lifestyle medicine.

Learn the fundamentals of mind-body medicine, and the practical things you can do in your everyday life to maximise your body’s own healing potential, reduce stress and help you cope better with the challenges of a Cancer Diagnosis.

Empowering clients to know what they can do for themselves, giving them choice and inner peace.

Support for Symptom Management & Chronic Conditions:

Daniel provide support for side effects, common symptoms and chronic conditions patients experience during cancer treatment.

  • Cancer treatment side effects: Fatigue, Pain, Mucositis, Nausea and Vomiting, Diarrhea or Constipation, Dermatitis, Peripheral Neuropathy, Emotional support
  • Common chronic conditions: Allergies, Anxiety, Autoimmune Conditions, Depression, Diabetes, Fatigue, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Insomnia, Osteoarthritis, Pre-Postmenopausal Symptoms, Reflux Esophagitis.

More from Daniel’s clients following his guidance 



He’s been an integral part of my healing journey and I will be forever grateful for meeting him before the conventional treatment of my cervical cancer began. His knowledge and experience allowed me to support my body before, during and after the treatment. His kindness, positivity and compassion made the journey so much nicer. Real blessing to have someone like him by my side, when a milion thoughts ran through my head soon after I received cancer diagnosis…There is so much you can do to help your body at any stage of your treatment and Daniel is the perfect source of information. He is simply amazing. thank you!

Ula Piller

Daniel has been an imperative part of my recovery from  Breast Cancer.  Throughout this journey, Daniel has supported me emphatically even through my periods of uncertainty and indecision. His warmth and tireless pursuit of knowledge and generous sharing of scientific research has led me to a healthier version of myself, one I have not known for many years! I have been extremely well cared for and any questions I have had are taken seriously and considered carefully – I feel like I am in a partnership toward my wellbeing. 

Kate Bills

“I as diagnosed with stage IV Brain Tumour, I have really enjoyed Daniel’s approach to healing. His approach helped me to tap into body innate ability to heal. The lifestyle medicine changes are wonderful, it helped me to stay on the path to healing, instead of getting stuck in negative rumination, that doesn’t help me at all.

Daniel has given me a more positive and calm approach to my healing journey, including  lifestyle medicine advice, that I can incorporate into me daily routine to enhance my recovery. His education towards mindfulness has encouraged me to be more hopeful and less fearful  in everyday life, also integrate and digest my emotions in the way that supported me.
Thank you Daniel”


Thomas Ray

I met Daniel whilst on retreat at The Gawler Cancer Foundation not long after a Colon Cancer diagnosis. I had surgery, however I had decided to approach my healing in a holistic way and this is where Daniel came in. Since staring my time with Daniel I have gained energy, lowered my stress levels and come to a very healthful state of mind and body.
Firstly it has to be noted that Daniel IS what he teaches. Time with him is a most comfortable calm space without judgement. Daniel has always met me at exactly the place that I am in at that moment introducing elements as I was ready to assimilate them, which was wonderful as I learned to accept my choices and ultimately me. My journey has been a change in every area of my life, learning about meditation and the healing powers of herbs and foods. 
Daniel has an incredible amount of training, knowledge and lived experience. I have recommended Daniel to those noticing how well I’m living my life, I wouldn’t hesitate recommending him, he is absolutely authentic and an integral part of my healing team!
Dianne Krygger

I have known Daniel since 6 months and his energy is vibrant and positive. He has helped me with lots of tips how to address the key drivers for my Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, emotional support  and gave me knowledge of how to cope with the  diagnosis. I am feeling great making the right choices for my body,  using his evidence based supplements and herbs, reducing the side effects of chemo and promoting healing, I really enjoy eating the whole food plant based, my body loves it. I highly recommend his guidance to keep you on the right track.
Thank you Daniel 
Jennifer Sharpe

I first met Daniel at a  5 day cancer retreat at Yarra Valley  Living  Centre shortly after I had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer . At that stage, 3 months after my diagnosis, I had had a lymph node biopsy, a mastectomy,  DIEP flap surgery and I was 6 weeks into 6 months of chemotherapy. After my diagnosis, I was looking to learn as much as I could about my cancer,  its effect on my body and more than anything what I could do to help myself and live well going forward. Daniel was instrumental in my journey . His professional and personal experience,  his deep belief in the power of the body to heal itself given the opportunity and his kind, nurturing approach instilled a confidence in me that has set me on a life changing path of discovery and learning. With his help, I now know that there is so much I can do to enable my body to continue to heal itself and live well. I have embraced an organic whole food diet and practice yoga and meditation not because  I think I should but because  I want to. I’m excited for the future. I would highly recommend his guidance. 

Leesa McDonald

Daniel’s professionalism and knowledge as a integrative oncology naturopath has been inspiring for me in my Lung Cancer healing journey. Daniel is compassionate and caring and always nothing is too much trouble. His popularity confirms his ability and I can’t recommend him highly enough no matter where you live. I live in the West and he is in Victoria and it still works.

Ann Leaver

I met Daniel through the Gawler Foundation’s cancer retreats and appreciate his understanding of the many factors which contribute to chronic illness and what contributes to healing and health. As a professional health practitioner, he brings to his clients his experience of personal healing, along with a deep knowledge of naturopathy and meditation. I appreciate the one-hour consultations where he listens deeply and respectfully. He is positive, conscientious, humorous and healthy, all traits I deeply respect in a healer. Although living with Breast Cancer, I feel physically and mentally better and more energetic than I did before I met Daniel.

Ronin Jaworski

Daniel brings his kindness and compassion into his healing practice. Daniel is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to integrative oncology and meditation. Allowing the mind, body and spirit to work together. I am currently working with Daniel where he supports my Hepatic Carcinoma getting my health back on track. His support is second to none. Thank you Daniel

Connie Whitby

 I had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Daniel was instrumental in my journey.. His professional and personal experience, his deep belief in the power of the body to heal itself given the opportunity and his kind, nurturing approach instilled a confidence in me that has set me on a life changing path of discovery and learning. With his help, I now know that there is so much I can do to enable my body to continue to heal itself and live well. I have embraced an organic whole food diet and practice yoga and meditation not because I think I should but because I want to. I’m excited for the future and I would highly recommend Daniel to anybody with a chronic illness who is looking for an integrated approach to healing while working with conventional medicine to heal the whole person body, mind and spirit.


You have a gift with the work you do. It is very nurturing and a joy to be your client. You have really helped me with my journey home. I am finally finding that place ! Thank you


I first met Daniel at the Gawler Foundation in the Yarra valley in August 2019 and we started working together after that. He has helped me so much in supporting my body through healing stage 4 brain cancer and I believe I’m stable and feeling so well from his recommendations & protocol. Daniel is so knowledgable & generous with his time, he has supported me through some emotional times and I thoroughly enjoy working with him. 
Would highly recommend working with Daniel for anyone willing to take their health to the next level. 
I’m so grateful I met you and Thank you everyday for all you do for me & my health 🙏🏼 
Sammy Jones

Learn more about Daniel

Creating new HOPE with Cancer DNA testing

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